Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Relatively high mileage weekend

Saturday morning I woke up early to run Grendel before we did our Saturday volunteering. It was a horrific attempt. My mental and physical resistance was winning until Grendel ran up to me with his tail wagging, and I relented. To increase my motivation, I tried coffee and a small snack, but to no avail.

I stumbled down our driveway to start running. My legs were weights; they would not move; my pace slowed until I I was prodding along with grendel pulling my arm; my breathing was laborious. Anyone who saw me probably had empathy for someone who appeared so out of shape. [I think it was because I tried to start running before 8am].

Contrast that experience with Sunday. My run started around 1pm; i was on trails; the sun was relatively high; I started with gloves and a hat, but these were shed quickly. Grendel was by my side (most of the time), and we managed to run almost all the trails in the area to a cumulative approximately 17 mile run -victorious!

These experiences reinforce my knowledge of when I run better: afternoon!!!!!! (but I make exceptions, often, so i don't have to run by myself)

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