Thursday, October 30, 2008

My birthday!!! I am 30 - isn't my endurance supposed to increase?

This year is an exception in many ways. I got engaged; I am turning 30, and tomorrow I will know if I can practice law in Georgia. But, most importantly, my birthday this year is an exception because I will not do my usual long, long run. Usually, my favorite activity on my birthday is to leave all my commitments early and go somewhere for a long time (for me 1-2 hrs) by myself with only my surroundings and a good pair of running shoes as companions. This alone time gives me an opportunity to reflect on the past year's events and my choices.

But, today, I do not foresee that happening. Today, there is the usual shorter day of work, but the running will be replaced by packing for the weekend and sitting at home with my human and canine companions. But, for this unusual year, these activities are apropos and I will be be present and thankful for the long distance I have come.

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